Friday, 11 February 2011

Bored This Way

The rise of Lady Gaga has been astonishing.  I'm not saying Dubturtle is the biggest fan of her music, but as a keen follower of the Top 40 its hard not to respect what she's doing.  And 2011 is the year she blossoms from New kid on the block, into the real deal.

Today has brought forth her long-awaited new single 'Born This Way' and you can listen to it:
Dubturtles Verdict?  Meh.

It definitely isnt what I was expecting.  This is 90's Pop right here.  2010 was the year the 80's came back into fashion.

Maybe in 2011, the 90's come back.
God help us all.


  1. GAGA SUCKS!!!

  2. i think she's trying to win back her gay audience by recreating the whole out-pop thing of the 90's, but the fact that she's put racially insensitive terms in the bridge means she's starting to look like an epic poser attention whore to me

  3. Lady Gaga seeking attention?
    that is ABSURD...
